Switch TOPN with Field Parameters
Problem Statement: Field parameter used in Axis/Dimension slicer. We would like TOPN to work based on Axis. We have two columns Brand and Category with a measure, net. And the Field parameter is created on Brand and Category. Select any one of these and the net’s topn of that should be shown based on that.
Model: I am using the standard sales model,which I am using for all my videos and blogs. Sales fact with a key measure [net], joined with dimensions: Item, Geography, Date, and Customer.
Created a field parameter on Brand and category from the Item Dimension. Refer to this blog to learn how to create field parameters: https://amitchandak.medium.com/power-bi-field-parameters-a-quick-way-for-dynamic-visuals-fc4095ae9afd
This is the table code
Parameter = {
("Brand", NAMEOF('Item'[Brand]), 0),
("Category", NAMEOF('Item'[Category]), 1)
Created following topn measures
TOP2 Brand = CALCULATE([Net], TOPN(2,ALLSELECTED('Item'[Brand]), [Net],DESC), values('Item'[Brand])) TOP2 Category = CALCULATE([Net], TOPN(2,ALLSELECTED('Item'[Category]), [Net],DESC), values('Item'[Category]))
Created a selectedvalue for the Axis parameter. As a direct selectedvalue not supported on the Field Parameter column, used this code
Selected Parameter = maxx(filter(Parameter ,Parameter[Parameter Order] = SELECTEDVALUE(Parameter[Parameter Order])), Parameter[Parameter])
Created a measure which can switch based on selected Axis/Dimension
TOP N = SWITCH([Selected Parameter], "Brand" ,[TOP2 Brand], [TOP2 Category])
When you select Category
When you select Brand
You can only one measure having the complete code
TOP2 Quick = SWITCH([Selected Parameter], "Brand" , CALCULATE([Net], TOPN(2,ALLSELECTED('Item'[Brand]), [Net],DESC), values('Item'[Brand])) ,CALCULATE([Net], TOPN(2,ALLSELECTED('Item'[Category]), [Net],DESC), values('Item'[Category])))
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