Power Query Across Table calculated column
Problem Statement: Table 1 has date ranges and table 2 has dates. We need to add a new column in table 2 which provides us with the count of rows that contains this date in table 1. In case of a null value consider today's date. This solution is needed in Power query
Table1: Ranges
Table2: Dates
Solution: We add a new column in Dates. This will use Table.SelectRows to filter the data. If statement and Date.FixedLocalNow to handle the null value of date2. and Table.RowCount to count rows
The new column formula is
_col = [Dates],
_table = Table.SelectRows(Ranges, each [Date1] <= _col and ( if [Date2] = null then DateTime.Date( DateTime.FixedLocalNow() ) else [Date2]) >= _col ),
_count = Table.RowCount(_table)
This how the data look like, in Dates Table
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