How to get help on Power BI. Advantage of helping on Community
I have organized a webinar on 12th November 2022 on the topic: How to get help on Power BI. Advantage of helping on Community
Following are the speakers, Vijay was not able to join
Ashish Mathur
Mohammed Adnan
Vijay Perepa
Amit Chandak
These experts have the following blogs/Channels
Ashish Mathur
Mohammed Adnan
Vijay Perepa
Amit Chandak
The following questions have been discussed by the experts
- How can one get help on Power BI, What are the various mediums?
- How can one quickly get an answer, what should one do for that?
- What is the best practice to ask questions?
- What should I do when I do not get an answer?
- Where can I report issues with Power BI?
- Can we request new features?
- What is the advantage of helping or providing answers on the power bi community?
- What is the best practice to answer?
You can watch the live webinar recording here
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